What is SPP

The Spatial Planning Platform (SPP) was established by the Government of Japan and UN-Habitat's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in 2018 as a network of stakeholders aiming to achieve the formulation and implementation of more effective national and regional spatial planning. The platform acts as a framework for central governments, international organisations, local governments, NGOs, private sector, experts, and other various institutions to come together and exchange.
The 7th Meeting will focus on the role of spatial planning in emerging global trends of urban and regional policies: the focus on adequate housing, land, and basic services for all.

Outline of the 7th SPP Meeting

Date March 13 (Thursday) , 2025
Event Style Online(zoom webinar)
Event Organizer Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Japan
Program Based on the theme of “Role of Spatial Planning in emerging global trends of urban and regional policies”, these two sessions will be held.
“The Current Situation and Challenges of Housing, Land, and basic services in Each Country”
“Toward international cooperation to resolve issues regarding housing, land, and basic services in Asia”
Discussions will be held based on presentations by government officials and experts from each country.

How to participate:

Anyone can freely join the SPP online meeting (Zoom webinar).
The webinar URL will be sent to the email addresses of those who have registered for previous SPP and WUF meetings, as well as to those who wish to participate for the first time.
Please contact us at the following address. ()
※The meeting program will be available to watch live. English/Japanese interpretation will be available on the Zoom platform.


Date/time: 14:00~ Japan Standard Time (JST), March 13, 2025

Time Agenda Item
Inaugural Session

Welcome Speech 1 (MLIT)

Mr. Masayoshi Kuroda (TBC)

National Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Bureau
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Japan


Keynote Speech 1 (UN-Habitat)

MS. Kazuko Ishigaki(TBC)

Regional Director, UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
“ New Trends in Urban and Regional Policies at the United Nations”


Keynote Speech 2 (MLIT)

Mr. Masakuni Fujita (TBC)

Deputy Director-General, National Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Bureau Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Japan “The history and current status of national land planning in Japan - addressing the Housing, Land and Basic services.”

Thematic Sessions 1

The Current Situation and Challenges of Housing, Land, and basic services in Each Country


Presentation 1

Mr. Padma Kumar Mainalee (TBC)

Joint Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Nepal


Presentation 2

Dr. Dok Doma (TBC)

Deputy Director General, The General Department of Housing, Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Cambodia


Presentation 3

Mr. Souksavanh HANEPHOM (TBC)

Smart City Expert, DHUP, Lao PDR


Wrap- up by Mr. Yoshinobu Fukasawa (TBC)

Special Appointed Professor, Kyushu Sangyo University

Thematic Sessions 2

Towards International Cooperation for Solving Housing, Land, and Basic services Challenges in Asia and the Pacific


Presentation 1

Mr. Naomichi Murooka (TBC)

Deputy Director General, and Group Director for Urban and Regional Development Infrastructure Management Department
Japan International Cooperation Agency


Presentation 2

Mr. Hiroyasu Kudo (TBC)

General Manager, International Division, Yachiyo Engineering Co, Ltd.
“JICA's approach to urban development technical cooperation, as exemplified by the Project for the Study on Lae-Nadzab Urban Development Plan”


Presentation 3

MS. Kazuko Ishigaki (TBC)

Regional Director, UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
“UN-Habitat Tokyo Platform for Sustainable Cities in Asia Pacific (Tokyo-SUSCAP)“


Free discussion

Comments from Asian countries

Closing remarks

National Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Bureau, MLIT, Japan

※If additional presenters are added, the time may change.

Modalities of the meeting

Date/time: 14:00~ Japan Standard Time (JST), March 13, 2025
Venue (online): zoom webinar
Language of the meeting: The meeting will be conducted in English. Simultaneous interpretation in Japanese will be provided for Japanese audience.