- What is SPP
Spatial Planning Platform (SPP)
a new initiative from HABITAT III
- Recently unplanned development and rapid urban growth is a major issues in a number of developing countries, particularly in Asia. They are recognizing needs for spatial planning (e.g. national master plan) and requesting JAPAN for support and guidance.
- New Urban Agenda was endorsed at the HABITAT III (Oct 2016, Quito),
Japan presented the importance of establishing a platform to support Spatial Planning including urban, rural, regional planning, which caught a great attention and interest from various countries.
Established in August 2018
SPP Work Programmes
Communications and knowledge sharing
- The 6th SPP meeting was held in Balikpapan, Indonesia, in November 2023.
- At WUF11, an event related to SPP was held, in June 2022.
Social media
- Facebook, website
Capacity building/development
- Co-organizing training sessions with JICA (6 weeks every year)
- Bilateral meeting and seminar by MLIT Japan (upon request)
Multi-lateral Support 2018-19
- Policy dialogue between MLMUPC, Cambodia and (September 2019)
- Study mission (Nov-Dec 2019; TBC)
- Seminar on Spatial Planning by MLIT, Japan (February 2019)
- Policy dialogue between MoC, Myanmar and MLIT, Japan (October 2019)
- Collaboration with OECD via National Urban Policy Review (WS December 2019 TBC)
- JICA’s Technical Cooperation Project for the formulation of National Comprehensive Development Plan (since 2018)